Colectia hipocratica / Hippocratic collection
Din perspectiva medicinei hipocratice, analiza omului accepta bivalenta umana: corpul si sufletul, privite ca fiind in acelasi timp si ca separate dar si ca entitati ale unui univers cosmic construit prin puterea suprema ca un organism armonios viu. Regulile de baza ale medicinei nu au fost schimbate de atunci.
Progresul tehnologiei a ajutat substantial, pe de o parte, la intelegerea fenomenelor care au loc in corpul uman, s,i pe de alta parte, la sporirea calitatii vietii oamenilor, dar nu a reusit sa previna si sa depaseasca decesul fizic, desi elementele de degradare raman aceleasi in univers. Autoritatile seculare hipocratice raman neschimbate si in stransa legatura cu principiul lor, si anume existenta umana.
Reputatia hipocratica a capatat o dimensiune mistica, care cu pasi rapizi a umbrit realitatea istorica. Reputatia lui Hipocrate consta, de fapt, intr-un mare proiect care ii poarta numele.
Poate medicul din insula Kos nu este autorul de drept al nenumaratelor tratate, insa ele toate adunate ne sunt cunoscute astazi sub numele de “Colectia Hipocratica”.
Este Hipocrate autorul unei descoperiri importante, care in cele din urma a revolutionat arta terapiei si medicina si acest fapt este acceptat de toti practicantii de medicina din ziua de astazi?
Intr-adevar, in “Phaedrus” a lui Platon se gaseste urmatorul dialog dintre Socrates si Phaedrus: „Crezi ca este posibil sa intelegi natura sufletului fara a intelege mai intai natura universului?” Daca ii dam crezare lui Asklipiadis Hipocrate, atunci este de asemenea imposibil sa intelegem natura corpului fara a intelege mai intai natura universului.
Hipocrate a analizat separat diferitele parti ale corpului avand in vedere corpul ca un tot unitar. Deci, tratarea unui membru fara a tine cont de totul din care face parte, nu este corecta. Prin urmare, nici o parte a copului nu poate fi tratata individual. Principiile medicinei hipocratice si implicatiile lor etice, dau nastere acestei dimensiuni filozofice. In perspectiva filozofiei Hipocratice, un medic sustine si trateaza actiunile realitatii conceptualizate de minte.
Versiunea Colectiei Hipocratice alcatuita de Emile Littre include 96 de carti si este rodul muncii multor scriitori. Eseurile au fost scrise in a doua jumatate a secolului al V-lea si inceputul secolului al IV-lea i.Hr si se pare ca au fost finalizate in jurul secolului al X-lea (Manuscrisul Souda, Marcianusgr 259, Venetia). O sa atingem doar cateva dintre punctele prezente in Proiectul lui Hipocrate, care stau la baza stiintei medicale. In prima carte despre Epidemii se face referire la o lista de simptome care ajuta la stabilirea diagnosticului si ulterior a tratamentului adecvat: “Intelegem cum sa stabilim elementele de diagnostic prin observarea si considerarea urmatorilor factori: natura umana in general, legaturile si ramificatiile bolii fiecarui pacient in parte, recomandarile/prescriptiile medicale. Tratamentul recomandat de medic poate indica asteptarile si punctele de ingrijorare ale medicului, starea generala a pacientului si elementele particulare ale bolii: zona in care traieste, obiceiuri, dieta, stil de viata, varsta, schimbarile prin care pacientul a trecut, gandurile care il macina pe cel bolnav, programul de somn, episoadele de insomnie, visele.
Explicatia consta in observarea caracteristicilor pe care le prezinta pacientul, regularitatea cu care acestea se intampla, miscarea mainilor, mancarime, lacrimi, natura crizelor, scaunele, urina, varsaturile, tipurile si alternarile dintre boli, abcesele care pot duce la moartea unui pacient, sau a factorilor determinanti ai transpiratiei, racelii, frisoanelor, tusei, stranutului, respiratiei, invinetirii, eliminarilor de gaze - zgomotoase sau silentioase, sangerarile si hemoroizii”.
Scrierea cartii “Epidemii” ii este atribuita in totalitate lui Hipocrate. Aceste insemnari descriu anumite cazuri si situatii, factorii asociati cu un anume loc, care au determinat studiul, prezenta si evolutia unei boli intr-un oras si evolutia climatului acestuia pe parcursul unui an. Medicul urmareste si analizeaza cele doua categorii de fenomene, incercand sa gaseasca orice conexiune sau legatura dintre acestea. In acceptiunea lui Hipocrate, bolile sunt vazute ca o suma de factori. Pentru a descifra o parte nu poate fi neglijat intregul, sau efectele pe care aceasta parte le are asupra intregului. Aceste principii stau la baza stiintei medicale moderne.
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The analysis of Hippocratic medicine, accepts the human dipole of the body and the soul, as separate and at the same time as entities within a divinely constructed and harmoniously living cosmic universe. The basic rules of practicing medicine have not been changed since then. The developments of technology helped substantially in understanding of the phenomena that occur in the human body and simultaneously improved the lives of people, but did not manage to overcome the physical death, although the degradation elements remain unchanged in the universe. The Hippocratic secular authorities remain unchanged and is closely tied to their subject matter, namely the human existence. The Hippocratic reputation took a mythical dimension, which soon overshadowed the historical reality.
The reputation of Hippocrates is in fact, a huge project that carries his name. Perhaps the physician from Kos is not the author of several treatises which is known to us today under the title "Hippocratic Collection". Did Hippocrates made an important discovery, which revolutionized the therapeutic art subsequently and that is accepted by all doctors until today? Indeed, in Plato's “Phaedrus” is found the following dialogue between Socrates and Phaedrus. "Do you believe that it is possible to understand the nature of the soul without being able to understand the nature of the universe?" "If we have to believe Asklipiadis Hippocrates, it is also not possible to understand the nature of the body without being able to understand the nature of the universe. Hippocrates has examined particular parts of the body in relation to all its parts. So, a treatment of a limb regardless of the total, of which it forms part, it is not right. Thus any part of the body could not be treated separately. The conditions of Hippocratic medicine and its ethical implications provide this specific dimension of philosophy. A physician according to Hippocratic philosophy supports the actions of the mental conception of reality. The version of the Hippocratic Collection by Emile Littre includes 96 books and is the work of many writers. The essays were written in the second half of the 5th century and the beginning of the 4th p. X. (Souda manuscript, handwritten Marcianusgr 259, Venice). We will stand on a few key points of the Hippocrates Project, which determined the knowledge about medicine. In the first book of Epidemics is made reference to a list of circumstances which are useful to make the diagnosis and treatment: "We learn how to extract diagnostic points from consideration of the following factors: human nature in general, wines of each particular patient's illness, prescriptions. The physician recommended treatment, may indicate the concerns and expectations of the physician, the general state of that time and of the specific conditions of heaven and all the habits area , diet, lifestyle, age, words and variants show, silence, thoughts that concern him such as sickness, sleep, insomnia, dreams. By observing the character of the display and the time at which they occur, the movements of the hands, antipruritic, tears, nature of seizures, stool, urine, of sputum, vomiting, rotations made between diseases and abscesses causing the death of a patient or a solution of sweats, colds, chills, cough, the sneeze, hiccup, of breathing, of belching, bleeding and hemorrhoids'. The book "Epidemics" is attributed to Hippocrates himself. This set of notes describe specific cases and situations, that the conditions for a site, identifying the study of the emergence and evolution of diseases in a city as well as the evolution of the climate throughout the year. The physician carefully observes the two classes of phenomena, trying to discover any mutual relations.
A combination of factors is therefore the disease by Hippocrates. In order to understand the part cannot, all and its impact cannot be neglected. This is the line in which the modern medical science is based.